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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of the European Union, so as to teach them how to communicate and influence EU activities.
In particular, the course is targeted to the following jobs:
- Journalist;
- Author for written (and non-written) contents for websites;
- Lobbyist;
- PR.

The course aims at fostering the following skills:
- Identification of the key-players in the EU decision-making process and the underlying logic of their behaviour;
- Allocation of responsibilities within the EU and between the EU and the Member States;
- Influencing the EU decision-making process;
- Communicating and disseminating EU activities, with a simple albeit correct lexicon.



Course programme

The course aims at explaining the EU regulatory machine, also through interactive ways of teaching, tackling some clichés related to the latter.
First, attention will be given to the adoption of EU rules, looking in particular at:
- The main actors of the EU decision-making process (the European Parliament, the Council and the European Council, the European Commission, the growing jungle of EU technical and scientific authorities);
- The acts adopted by the EU and the policy sectors in which the latter operates;
- The procedures followed for the adoption of those acts and the way in which the latter are enforced at national level.

Second, the course aims at shedding some light over the bodies which control the respect of EU rules and values, looking in particular at:
- The multilevel judicial protection (EU and national judges);
- The political methods of control over certain issues (e.g. national budgets, the respect of European values).

Didactic methods

The course is divided into two parts:
1) from March 1st to March 15th online lectures (; Google Classroom code: zdulfpg) will tackle some of the fundamental issues on the European Union (its genesis, its main actors, its fundamental rules);
2) between March and May students will be divided into teams for creating podcast on European current issues. During this period, each team (made by 4/5 students each) will meet regularly the Professor so as to check regularly their work and receive feedbacks, advices, learning materials.

The course will also benefit from the participation of a journalist expert on European affairs for some specific lectures on the creation of podcasts and audio-contents on these issues.

Attending classes is strongly recommended and it is a mandatory condition to take part to the creation of podcasts.

Learning assessment procedures

Students who have regularly attended classes will be evaluated on a double basis:
- the mark received for their podcast (66% of the final mark)
- the mark received after a short oral exam on a topic which has not been covered by their podcast (33% of the final mark).

The mark received for the podcast can also be refused. In this case, students will receive a longer oral exam on the issues debated during the classes.

Students who have NOT attended classes regularly will be evaluated on the basis of a final oral exam on the bibliography.

Reference texts

Roberto Santaniello, Capire l'Unione europea, Editore Il Mulino, 2016, only with regard to pages 15-37, 101-106, 193-280.
See moreover the additional teaching materials that will be uploaded on Google Classroom (log in required).