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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to make students familiar with concepts, terminology and methodology required to describe and analyse films and any kind of audiovisual production by a technical and stylistic perspective.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: students will learn how to identify the main figures of cinematic language, such as framing, different types of shots, editing, camera movements, relationship between sound and image, colour, special effects and so on through a wide choice of examples from classic and contemporary films.

ABILITIES: at the end of the course the students should be able to describe and analyse an audiovisual product and to break it up into its components. The aim is to help students develop the skills necessary to further specialize in the field of film history and criticism or in the field of teaching audiovisual subjects. It can also offer a theoretical support to practical activities in the field of film directing, camera operating or editing.



Course programme


By offering a wide selection of cinematic and audio-visual examples (such as musical and Internet videos, tv series and so on), the course aims to make students familiar with basic notions of film language. Classes will focus on the following topics: the parts of the visual track (shots, camera movements, editing); analysis of the sound track (dialogues, voice, music, noise and sound in general); the technology of film (development of special effects, colour techniques, 3-D, digital techniques, and other innovations that characterized film history).

Didactic methods

In-presence lessons, supported by the use of PowerPoint presentations and the screening of film scenes.

Learning assessment procedures

The final exam is oral, and lasts about 15-20 minutes. The students will be asked to reply to some questions (not more than 5) concerning the course topics. Questions may refer both to the contents of the books enumerated in the syllabus and – for those who have attended the classes – to the contents of the lessons.

Reference texts

Gianni Rondolino, Dario Tomasi, Manuale del film. Linguaggio, racconto, analisi. Terza edizione, UTET, Torino, 2018