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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to provide students the technical language, methodological knowledge, and base concepts in Metal Age studies.


A general knowledge on the theories and methods for archaeological research and the terminology used for the description of lithic artefacts, pottery and Metal object is required. For those who do not have this preparation reading the handbook of Manuela Cocchi (2009), Preistoria, Qui Edit, chapter 1 p. 11- 53 and Renato Peroni 1994 Introduzione alla protostoria italiana, Laterza, pp. 62-102 will help to fill the gap.

Course programme

Course programme
The course offers a synthesis of the main aspects of the diffusion and establishment of the Metallurgy in the European continent, with a particular focus on the Italian peninsula. The following topics will be discussed: chronology, cultural aspects, technology, settlements, economy and symbolic behaviour. It will be proposed also, if possible, a closer examination of Cupper Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age aspects, also in agreements with the students.

Didactic methods

The course is articulated into lectures and, if possible, seminars. In agreement with the students, the topics covered in the sessions will be supported also by individual and group presentations aimed at promoting the active participation of students. Lectures can be integrated, when possible, with visits to archaeological exhibitions and sites.

Learning assessment procedures

The examination is an oral interview, both for Italian and English students. There will be questions concerning general topics; questions concerning some specific topics that are part of the programme; chronological and cultural definition of some archaeological items from a table of drawings/pictures. A short written paper (tesina) will be presented by the student.

Reference texts

Cocchi Genick D., Preistoria, Qui Edit 2009 (capitoli 4 e 5, pp 199-307);

R. Peroni 1994, Introduzione alla protostoria italiana, Laterza.

A.M. Bietti Sestieri 2010, L'Italia nell'età del bronzo e del ferro: dalle palafitte a Romolo (2200-700 a. C.), Carocci Editore.

Scientific Papers will be provided during the course.