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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The student will gain knowledge for the structural and textural characterization of rocks used in prehistoric times to today. It trains experts able to analyze the behavior of the rocks workability. The students will acquire the expertise on analytical methods for the recognition of the rocks composition, and will be able to reconstruct the manufacturing techniques through the analysis of materials by petrographic methods.


The basic concepts of Earth Science, necessary to the understanding of the program of this course, will be introduced in the first lessons.

Course programme

Principles of applied mineralogy and petrography, classification of minerals in igneous rocks wirh Streckeisen (1967) diagram; sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. Ceramics characterisationHistorical glasses, their classification and characterisation. Environments of deposition radiolarites CCD carbonate compensation depth. Working for the lithic industry of acid igneous rocks, petrologic criteria for their characterization. Obsidian and distribution in the Mediterranean. Metamorphic rocks used in prehistoric times, soapstone, quartz veins of the stone industry and eclogites in the funeral. tombstones: the case of the necropolis of Marzabotto and Spina. Main analytical techniques.

Didactic methods

Frontal Learning and petrographic laboratories. The latter are based on practical lessons on the rock identification and classification and analyses of thin sections at optical microscopy.

Learning assessment procedures

Learning assessment procedures
The learning assessment will consist of a final oral examination aims to test knowledge acquisition under the program of the course.
The exam will take place electronically on the Google Meet platform in oral form on the contents provided during the courses.
Students will receive an invitation to attend a Google Hangouts Meet conference call in the 24 hours prior to the test. The exam can be (fully or partially) recorded by the teacher.
Examinations objectiveshe to test the content of the lessons and to verify the level of learning.
Oral examination consist of four questions: - the classification of ornamental rocks, - the classification of mortars and concretes, - evolution of ceramic technologies, - the acquisition of critical judgment in the procedures to be adopted in the choice of materials in cultural heritage and for the production of glass.
Initially it will be required to present a topic of the student's choice.
The test lasts about 30 minutes.
During the test, the consultation of texts, notes or other material is not allowed.
The use of earphones or headphones is also not permitted.
The final score, expressed in thirtieths, takes into account the skills acquired and it will assess the ability of critical, propositive and creative orientation within the themes covered during the course.
The students who have achieved excellence in all the four questions, will get with 30 cum laude
Examination test execution.
• The teacher, together with the commission, will call the students one at a time and proceed with the recognition. The student must have an identity card and University card with him, for recognition, before starting the exam in the room where the student answers there must be no other people outside the student himself and the door of the room must be closed.
• After the students have been recognized, the session is opened to all students who want to participate or attend the exam.
• During the session, the smartphone microphone must be kept off.
• You cannot leave the station during the test.
• on the walls or around the room there must be no sheets or other devices with screens, in addition to the one used to connect with the teacher;
• the student must not wear headphones or earphones, but must use the PC audio (unless otherwise instructed by the teacher);
• the student must have only a pen and paper in front of him;
• the student must not move away from the devices with screens;
• the teacher may request at any time to rotate the camera to check the surrounding environment;
• any other form of suggestion or consultation of external sources or use of devices is forbidden (unless otherwise explicitly requested by the teacher). In case of incorrect or ambiguous behavior, the teacher can suspend the exam at any time. In case of interruption of the connection, the teacher will evaluate the suspension or conclusion of the test.
Any non-compliance with the following rules and recommendations or technical problems will result in exclusion from the test and its invalidation.

Reference texts

Lecture notes or the following books:

Le scienze della terra e l''archeometria
di D'Amico Claudio, Livadie Claude A.

Archaeological chemistry A. M. Pollard, Carl Heron - 2008 - Social Science