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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

ABILITIES: Basic Management of Information Technology tools for research and industry, structured programming in Matlab, mathematical problem solving with Matlab.
KNOWLEDGE: computer science basics, Matlab environment and syntax and mathematical functions.



Course programme

Introduction to Computers (7.5h)
History of computers; Hardware and software; Components of a PC; Input/output devices; RAM; ROM and BIOS; Mass memory devices. Operating Systems; File System, Computer networks; Internet; WWW; e-mail.

Basic Programming (7.5h)
Programming languages; Compilators and Interpreters; Problems-Algorithms-Programs; Structured Programming; Recursive Programming; Binary numbers (naturals and integers).

Introduction to Matlab (5h)
A work session in Matlab; Arithmetical operators; Variables and assignements; Matlab help; Numeric formats; Complex numbers.

Arrays and Matrices (5h)
Array creation; Matrix creation; Indexing and coordinates; Strings (char arrays); Polinomials; Linear algebra operators; Simple Functions; Random arrays.

Scripts, Functions and files (7.5h)
Scripts; save and import files; user-defined functions; Function zeros and minima.

Programming with Matlab (20h)
Program design and development; Relational operatorsa and logical variables; logical Operators and functions; Conditional instructions IF/ELSE; switch structure; FOR loop; WHILE loop .

Diagrams e graphics (2.5h)
XY Diagrams; Change the details; Istograms and charts; Multiple graphics.

Linear Equations (2.5h)
Elementary solving; Matricial methods for system solving; Cramer's method; Intdetermined systems; Overdetermined Systems.

Numerical Computing and Differential Equations (2.5h)
Derivates e integrals; Numerical Integration; Numerical Derivation; Differential Equations; ODE.

Didactic methods

Direct teaching (15h) and laboratory lessons (45h).

Learning assessment procedures

The examination is divided in two parts.
Practical test on computer (2 hours) with three exercises for Matlab language. The main one is a programming test, aimed to evaluate the ability to use basic structured programming concepts. Other two exercises are about math application in Matlab. This test is evaluated up to 24 points.
The second part is composed of three theory questions, regarding basic computer science concepts. This test is evaluated up to 9 points.

Reference texts

William J. Palm, Introduction to matlab for engineers - McGraw Hill

Concerning the Introduction to computers part: books and manuals to getting started with PC