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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims at providing the basic concepts for the comprehension of the behavior of the most important semiconductor devices used in electronic applications.
Main acquired knowledge:
The physical aspects necessary for the study and analysis of electron devices.
The working principles of the most important semiconductor devices.
The most important manufacturing processes used in the semiconductor industry.
Main acquired skills:
To make a reasoned choice of suitable semiconductor technology (e.g., material, foundry process) for a particular application.
To successfully examine the main limitations related to semiconductor devices occurring in linear and nonlinear electronic circuits and systems.
To characterize semiconductor devices under linear and nonlinear operation.


The following concepts are mandatory:
Basic concepts of probability theory.
Basic concepts of the physics, especially those related to electromagnetics.
Basic concepts of digital and analogue electronics.

Course programme

60 hours of teaching are given, divided in lectures (55 hours) and guided laboratory sessions (5 hours).

Introduction (2.5 hours)
Physics of Semiconductor Materials (5 hours)
Free Carriers in Semiconductors (5 hours)
Metal-Semiconductor Junctions (5 hours)
PN Junctions (8 hours)
Bipolar Transistors (2.5 hours)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor System (5 hours)
MOS Field-Effect Transistors (5 hours)
Transistor Modelling and Characterization (5 hours)
High Electron Mobility Transistors (2.5 hours)
Semiconductor Technology (9.5 hours)
Laboratory sessions (5 hours)

Didactic methods

The course is organized as follows:
Frontal lectures on all the topics of the course.
Exercises in the electronics for telecommunications research laboratory. Students will be divided in several groups (max 6 students per group) and they will take 2 guided tutorials of 2.5 hours each.

Learning assessment procedures

The exam is a written test and focuses on the topics presented during the course. The aim is to verify the ability of linking different subjects of the programme as well as the ability of repeating specific topics tackled in the course. To this purpose, the student should answer to three questions, each one has a maximum score of 11 points. To pass the exam, the student should obtain a minimum score of 18 over 30.
During the examination it is not allowed consulting any textbook or document.
The examination list closes two days before the scheduled date.

Passing the final exam is the proof that knowledge and abilities outlined in the training objectives of the course have been achieved.

Reference texts

Teacher’s handouts

Specific topics can be further developed in the following texts:
R. S. Muller, T. I. Kamins, M. Chan, "Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits", Wiley
S. M. Sze, M.-K. Lee, “Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology”, Wiley

Additional texts:
P. Chiorboli, “Fondamenti di Chimica”, UTET
G. Ghione, “Dispositivi per la microelettronica”, McGraw-Hill
G. Giustolisi, G. Palumbo, “Introduzione ai dispositivi elettronici”, FrancoAngeli
C. Kittel, "Introduzione alla fisica dello stato solido", Bollati Boringhieri
M. L. Cohen, S. G. Louie"Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics", Cambridge University Press
M. Guzzi, “Principi di fisica dei semiconduttori”, Hoepli
J. M. Golio, “Microwave MESFETs and HEMTs”, Artech House Publishers