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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The main objective of the Industrial Internet of Things course is to introduce main topics related to the development of an Internet of Things application in an industrial environment, specifically considering the remote monitoring and control of devices.

Primary skills student will learn are:
- based on requirements, identify a suitable distributed architecture and proper communication protocols
- develop IIoT solutions exploiting open source platform and software components
- analyze requirements and evaluate performance of IIoT applications


The course requires in-depth knowledge of both imperative (C) and object oriented programming languages (such as Python and Java) and of the Unix operating system.

Course programme

Introduction to IoT and IIoT
IoT scenarios
Embedded devices
Industrial protocols
Wireless technologies
Message exchange protocols
IoT Platforms
Applications and use cases

Didactic methods

The course is organized as follows:
- classroom lectures on all subjects of the course;
- practical exercises in the Computer Laboratory of the Department of Engineering, in which students will learn how to design and develop simple distributed IIoT applications.

Students will also have free access to the Computer Laboratory for further individual exercises.

Learning assessment procedures

The course includes a final oral examination, which will evaluate the level of expertise achieved both in terms of awareness of design methodologies, architectures, and models, and in terms of implementation abilities regarding all the primary technologies discussed during the lectures. The oral exam will include at least four questions.

Reference texts

There is no single textbook that contains all the material presented in this course. The teachers then propose a list of books, divided between books of a more introductory / general nature and books covering in more detail some specific topics of the course:

Qusay F. Hassan, “Internet of Things A to Z: Technologies and Applications”, August 2018, Wiley-IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-119-45674-2.

A copy of the slides used during the lectures is available on the Teaching material page of the course Web site.