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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Starting from the reality of the Land-Reclamation Agency and the lowland secondary hydraulic network, the course explores, through the analysis of real applications, the issues of hydraulic reclamation, flood risk, irrigation. Topics such as mono and two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling, design and execution of public works will be discussed, with a problem-oriented approach.
Main acquired knowledge
• Characterization of a Land-Reclamation Agency, works, mapping and survey;
• Hydraulic risk management – elements of cost-benefit analysis;
• Hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling applied to lowland secondary network;
• Elements of planning and execution of public works for soil and irrigation defense infrastructure;
• management of land reclamation and defense infrastructure;
Main acquired skills:
The main skills (the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will concern the transfer of the knowledge acquired during the studies, from the notional field to the applicative field, in the planning, realization and management of the soil defense and irrigation works.


Previous knowledge of hydrology, although not required to pass the exam, are desirable.

Course programme

The course includes 90 h (70 h of frontal lessons, 20 h of practice exercises and educational visits).
Hydraulic reclamation: definitions, reference legislative framework, background history, drainage network description. Integrated drainage and irrigation system: aims, operation and implementation practices. The Pianura di Ferrara Reclamation Agency monitoring network, hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling concepts applied to a reclamation context, both with synthetic hydrograph and with observed time series. Hydrodynamic modeling of networks having a dual purpose (irrigation and drainage) and of their flux interfering structures. Pumping plants’ main characteristics: management, automation, remote control and logic modeling. Main concepts of irrigation.
Hydraulic risk - definitions, Directive 2007/60 / EC. Cost-benefit analisys for the hydraulic defense works. Risk mitigation in the district of land reclamation, structural actions - plants, funnels, reservoirs. Risk management in the hydraulic reclamation area, non-structural actions - preventive measures, local risk management plans, hydraulic emergency management. Decision Support Systems (DSS) - analysis of the system in use at the Ferrara Land Reclamation Agency.
Procedures for public works, Public Procurement Code: planning (design targets, project phases and development of required content), interlinked rules (health and safety, environmental protection, technical standards for construction); plans drawn up by the Land-Reclamation Agency; Public contracts (tendering rules and procedures, most economically advantageous tender); implementation and tests (the role of the site supervisor, accounting documents, management of the yard, disputes, final acts); yards of the Land-Reclamation Agency. Real cases studies: Multifunctional works for hydraulic reclamation and irrigation, Hydraulic reclamation works, Irrigation works.

Didactic methods

The course is organized as follows:
• classroom lessons on all course topics (50 hours)
• practical exercises and visits to the land reclamation area (20 hours)

Learning assessment procedures

Oral examination.

The exam focuses on all the topics of the course.

The exam aims to assess the student's ability, starting from the topics covered during the lessons, to analyze technical problems that may arise in a hydraulic reclamation area.

One of the questions will focus, starting from the contents of one of the educational visits, on the classification within the topics covered, such as the territorial framework and the degree of satisfaction of the needs, the classification in risk management and irrigation, the possible improvement of risk mitigation, the classification in the context of the public works procedure.

Reference texts

Learning material available on the course website.
Reference texts for a possible further study:

Moisello U., Idrologia tecnica, La Goliardica Pavese, 1999;
Supino G., Le reti idrauliche, Patròn, 1965;
Ven Te Chow et al., Applied Hydrology, Ed. McGraw Hill, 1987.
Bixio V., Indirizzi recenti nella progettazione degli impianti idrovori, cleup editore,1983:
Bianchi A. et al., Pompe e impianti di sollevamento, Hoepli, 2005.