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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course provides for an introduction to structural analysis and design of simple reinforced concrete and steel structures in the framework of limit state design method.


Structural Mechanics

Course programme

FRAME STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS (3 credits). Fundamental assumptions in structural analysis of frames. Influence of shear and axial deformations on stress states. Role of symmetries. Displacement method. Method of temporary additional constraints. Classical Cross method. Shear-type frames. Outline of elastic stability of frames.
STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY (2 credit). Fundamentals of structural reliability. Permanent and variable loads on structures. Service loads and environmental loads (snow, wind). Dynamic of a single degree of freedom and elastic design spectra due to seismic actions.
STEEL DESIGN (3 credits). Mechanical properties of steel. Building code requirements for steel structures. Basic design for bending, shear and buckling. Serviceability limit states of deformation.
REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN (4 credits). Mechanical properties of concrete and steel, shrinkage and creep of concrete. Bond between steel and concrete and anchorage of reinforcement. Building code requirements for reinforced concrete structures. Basic design for bending, shear and torsion. Ductility of reinforced concrete sections.

Didactic methods

Theoretical/practical lessons.

Learning assessment procedures

Three written examinations are required, each referring to the topics of "frame structural analysis", "steel design" and "reinforced concrete design", respectively. During the lectures period, the written examinations may be carried out after about a month after the end of each topic. The student may repeat several times one or more written examinations and the corresponding evaluation remains valid for the entire academic year. The oral examination focuses on the development of a theoretical and practical topic covered during the frontal lessons. The final mark is obtained as the average of the four marks, and, in the case of repeated examinations, contributes to the final mark the one that obtained the highest mark.

Reference texts

Dispense del corso.
D.M. 17/01/18. 'Norme tecniche per le costruzioni'.
EN 1992-1. Eurocode 2. Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
EN 1993-1. Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.

MEZZINA M. (2021). Fondamenti di tecnica delle costruzioni (2a Edizione). Città Studi Edizioni.

BALLIO et. al. (2020). Strutture di acciaio (2a Edizione). Hoepli.
GHERSI A., MARINO E. M., BARBAGALLO F. (2018). Verifica e progetto di aste in acciaio: sforzo normale, flessione semplice e composta (2a Edizione). Flaccovio.
FOA S. (2020). Guida pratica delle costruzioni in acciaio. Hoepli.
SPRINGHETTI L. (2013). I collegamenti nelle strutture di acciaio. Hoepli.

AICAP (2008). Guida all'uso dell'Eurocodice 2. Edizioni Publicemento.
COSENZA E., MANFREDI G., PECCE M. (2019). Strutture in cemento armato. Basi della progettazione (3a Edizione). Hoepli.
ANGOTTI F., GUIGLIA M., MARRO P., ORLANDO M. (2019). Progetto delle strutture in calcestruzzo armato (2a Edizione). Hoepli.
FIB Bulletins (2010). Structural Concrete. Textbook on Behaviour, Design and Performance. Vol. 2. Basis of design (2nd Ed). Fib Bulletin 52.