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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Premise: The module in question is one out of of three of the course on Decommissioning of industrial sites. With a view to revisiting current master's degree programs and in particular those related to the the area of sanitary and environmental engineering, in this academic year, the module called “Sottosuolo” will address issues related to risk assessment and not issues related to the reclamation of contaminated sites as in the past years.
The course aims to provide the students the principles of the risk assessment in managing and designing treatment plants (including wastewater and water treatment plants).
The different topics addressed in the course will be presented with the aim of favoring in the student the awareness that in designing, upgrading, revamping a plant it is important to know the main risks related to the operations and identification of the most critical (the most frequent and the most dangerous) ones could guarantee a more plant safe design/upgrade/revamp. This also means a reduction in extraordinary maintenance interventions.
The presentation and discussion of case studies will better explain strenghts and weaknesses of the main risk assessment techniques, commonly used.
Students who will have attended and passed the exam will be able to develop a risk assessment related to simple treatment plants or process industries.
In particolar they will be able to:
1) identify the most adequate methodology of risk assessment in different situations;;
2) identify the most critical events
3) identify which actions could be of priority importance in order to reduce the risk of occurrence of a specific events.


Knowledge of water and wastewater treatments are required.

Course programme

The course consists of 3 CFU and lasts 30 hours including lessos and training.
Topics addressed refer to
Basic concepts: risks and hazards, Frequency, magnitude, individual risk, social risk.
Methods for risk identification (6 h)
Experience-based hazard evaluation procedures (4 h)
Predictive hazard evaluation procedures (4 h)
Risk assessment in case of a water plants, in case of a wastewater treatment plant and in case of direct reuse of reclaimed water for irrigation (12 h)

Didactic methods

Lessons will be held in classroom, slides will be shown and discussed for the different issues covered during the course, development of a risk assessment in case of a simple plant.
Finally, if possible a seminar will be held by an expert in the sector of risk assessment application in the water sector (for instance from Istituto Superiore di Sanità, as this organisms is developing guidelines for Water Safety PLans) in order to discuss a specific case study.

Learning assessment procedures

Final examination is oral. The student will demonstrate to have acquired knowledge and critically analyzed the concepts and the theory developed during the course. The examination consists of:
1. knowledge testing through questions pertinent to the program issues also including a discussion of a case study referring to risk assessment of a specific plant (max 10 points).
2 Analysis of a risk assessment technique commonly applied in the process industry sector (max 10 points)
3. Resolution of a simple case of risk assessment by means of a predictive model (max 10 points).

The score for each of the listed issues will be assigned on the basis of:
a. acquired knowledge: the student is oriented him/herself in the context of reference of the questions, responding promptly and in an appropriate manner.
b. skills- in particular processing ability (that is the ability to make connections during the discussion of a case study regarding the risk assessment for a specific situation);
c. critical skills in dealing with the discussed topics (the student demonstrates that he/she have grasped potentialities and criticisms for the different available methodologies, including their strenghts and weaknesses),
d. analysis and synthesis abilities in dealing with a topic.
The student will pass the examination if the score for each point is at least 6 out of 10. The final score will be defined as the average among the three assigned scores.

Reference texts

Slides provided during the lessons
- CCPS, Guidelines for hazard evaluation Procedures, Wiley- Interscience, 2008, 3rd ed., ISBN 9780 471 97815 2
- Crowl D:A:, Louvar JF, Chemical Process Safety. Fundamentals with Applications, Second edition. Prentice Hall PTR, 2010, ISBN 0 13 018176 5