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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course covers practical matters of the profession and notably, amongst other, inquiries, preliminary investigations and criminal judgements. The course also aims to enlighten methodological and judicial interactions between criminal, civil and labour law. These interactions are examinated having regard to the gathering of evidence, both from material and psychological perspective. Great attention is paid to the scientific and deontological traits characterizing the report submitted by the expert to the Court.


Students must have good knowledge of the Italian Constitution and of general principles of the Italian Law. Furthermore, students must have good command of criminal, civil and labour law foundations. Students must also know the hierarchy of sources of law and be able to critically compare to the European judicial system.

Course programme

The course specifically addresses forensic medical issues relating to crimes of forensic interest. Questions are raised concerning the responsibility of the healthcare professional, medical and non-medical professional, the methodology and the medical-legal assumptions for the assessment of personal injury. The administrative, organizational and jurisdictional medical-legal implications arising from special legislation are examined, as well as the interactions of the technical documentary aspects proposed in the criminal and civil courts.

Didactic methods

The teaching is based on practical cases actually experienced by the University of Ferrara Institute of Legal Medicine. Judicial records are compared to similar cases from qualified Literature and jurisprudence sources.

Learning assessment procedures

The final exam is a written dissertation concerning topics discussed during lectures.

Reference texts

a) Lo studio del materiale esposto a lezione;
b)Manuale di Medicina Legale “Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni” Norelli, Buccelli, Fineschi, Piccin