Europen Labour Law [Jean Monnet Chair of EU Labour Law] - 6 crediti [in lingua inglese]
Part I: Geo-political history of Europe after Wold War II. Evolution of the Treaties till the Treaty of Lisbon and its present situation. The social dimension of the European Union. The present financial crisis and its threats to the Union.
E.U. legislation and its efficacy; the relationships between different national legal systems. The role of European Institution (Parliament, Commission, Council) in the legislative process. The role of Social Dialogue and collective agreements.
The Court of Justice of Luxembourg and the role of European Case Law. The European Charters of Fundamental Rights.
Part II - Transnational Labour Law: The Four Freedoms of internal market and social law.
Freedom of movements of workers and citizens.
Freedom to provide services: how it affects workers mobility (posting of workers), collective action and collective bargaining (Laval Quartet).
Transnational collective agreements.
Information, consultation and workers participation in European companies and European groups of companies.
[In 2014-2015, Part II will be focus on Transnational Labour Law. Part II changes each academic year]
The main reference texts are (the last available edition):
C. Barnard, EC Employment Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
in French:
P. Rodière, Droit Social de l’Union Européenne, Paris: LGDJ.
in Italian:
M. Roccella , T. Treu, Diritto del lavoro della comunità europea, Padova: Cedam
A specific reading list may be suggested during the course.