a.a. 2018-2019
- Research Handbook on EU Labour Law.pdf
- Manuel de droit européen du travail - Robin-Olivier 9782802747017 _ Lgdj.fr.pdf
- ECSR.pptx
- ELL_2.pptx
- ELL_4.pptx
- ELL_3.pptx
- Lecture 9, 2019.3.27 introduction.pptx
- ELL_5.pptx
- ELL_7.pptx
- ELL_8.pptx
- ELL_6.pptx
- Students.docx
- Calendar1819_ELL.doc
- ciccone.pptx
- Masiero.pptx
- Alimanovic presentation.pptx
- Koelsch.pptx
- Presentation EU Labour Law Good!!!!!.pptx
- Presentation Posting of workers Altun and Alpenrind case.pdf
- presentation powerpoint labour law Greek case.pptx
- Dano.pptx
- Bundesdruckerei GmbH vs City of Dortmund.pptx
- Case C-299 - Garcia-Nieto.pptx
- company_package.pptx