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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Good knowledge of the nature and features of Economic Criminal Law and understanding of concepts and general categories; acquisition of technical language.
Main knowledge: in-depth knowledge of general principles of Economic Criminal Law, of main corporate crimes, of bankruptcy crimes, of legal persons liability.
Main skills: application of general principles and institutes to practical cases


In order to be admitted to examination, students must have passed the following exam: Criminal Law I. Learning and reasoning skills.

Course programme

Introduction to Economic Criminal Law (2 hours). Bankruptcy crimes (20 hours). Corporate crimes and, in particular, false corporate communication crime, stock manipulation crime, infidelity asset crime, private corruption crime.

Didactic methods

Lectures. In-depth seminars about issues of interpretation and application. The teaching method focuses on the direct involvement of the students even at the stage of the explanation of the new topics, stimulating the reasoning and the proposition of simple practical cases .

Learning assessment procedures

Oral examination to verify the full knowledge of the issues covered by the programme and the student's ability to interpret and resolve concrete issues. The oral exam consists in the proposition of three questions on different parts of the program and of which one always alleging the penalty system. The final grade results from the average of the grades deriving from every single answer given by the student to the three questions. This rule does not apply if the student isn't in the condition of sustaining the exam.

Reference texts

G. Casaroli, Commento agli artt. 2621 e ss. c.c., in Cian-Trabucchi, Commentario breve al codice civile, in corso di pubblicazione
G. Casaroli, Commento ai reati fallimentari, in Maffei-Alberti, Commentario alla legge fallimentare, Cedam, 2013, pp. 1400-1487; 1495-1506; 1518-1547.