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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to provide knowledge and critical skills concerning the right of public authorities, even in the light of the most recent reforms of the European Law. The course will also provide tools to understand fundamental principles followed by Italian administrative courts, with particular reference to the division of jurisdiction between ordinary and administrative courts, the protection of legitimate interests, judicial review of administrative action. The course also illustrates the practical application of the principles studied through the analysis of particularly significant judgments. The skills acquired at the end of the course will enable the students to know how to solve practical cases and concrete problems making use of legal-administrative thinking.


The course requires a good knowledge of the institutions and the basic principles studied during the preparatory exams (Private Law and Constitutional Law).

Course programme

The course will focus on the study of public administration under the profile of the organization and activity, taking as a point of observing the constitutional principles and sources of Administrative Law.
Furthermore, the course will focus on the study of the Italian judicial review of administrative action. After the reconstruction of the historical evolution, it will be outlined the current arrangement, even in relation to the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts.

Didactic methods

Part of the lectures will based on the discussion of the different institutions and principles of administrative law and administrative justice, including analysis of teaching materials (legislative and judicial) provided directly by the teacher.

Learning assessment procedures

The examination will take place only in the form of the oral test. The questions addressed to the student will aim to verify the acquisition of knowledge and skills described above, under "Course objectives".

Reference texts

For the purpouse of the part related to organization and activity:
1) Cerulli Irelli V., Lineamenti del diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, Torino, IV edizione, 2014, except for the pp. 511 - 543 (“I contratti pubblici”); or optionally, Clarich M., Manuale di diritto amministrativo, il Mulino, Bologna, II edizione, 2015,except for the pp. 425 - 447 ("I contratti") and the pp. 467 - 496 ("La giustizia amministrativa");
and (in addition):
2) Gardini G. – Vandelli L. (a cura di), Il diritto amministrativo nella giurisprudenza, Maggioli, Rimini, 2013, limited to the following parts:
¿ Parte I – Principi e fonti:
- cap. 1, Il principio di buon andamento (pp. 17 – 23);
- cap. 2, L’imparzialità amministrativa (pp. 25 – 36);
- cap. 3, Il principio di legalità (pp. 37 – 42);
- cap. 6, I regolamenti e gli atti amministrativi regionali (pp. 59 – 64);
- cap. 8, Discrezionalità amministrativa e tecnica (pp. 73 – 84).
¿ Parte II – Organizzazione:
- cap. 10, Gli enti pubblici (limited to the pp. 97 – 106);
- cap. 15, Le autorità amministrative indipendenti (pp. 135 – 144);
- cap. 19, Il pubblico impiego (limited to the pp. 177 – 182);
- cap. 20, La dirigenza pubblica (limited to the pp. 194 – 198)
¿ Parte III – Attività:
- cap. 25, La motivazione dell’atto amministrativo (limited to the pp. 247 – 253);
- cap. 26, La comunicazione di avvio del procedimento (pp. 259 – 270);
- cap. 28, Gli accordi tra p.a. e privati e gli accordi tra pubbliche amministrazioni (limited to the pp. 281 – 286);
- cap. 32, La nullità e l’annullabilità (limitatamente alle pp. 326 –335);
- cap. 33, L’efficacia dei provvedimenti amministrativi (pp. 341 – 347);
- cap. 34, I poteri di annullamento d’ufficio e revoca (limited to the pp. 357 - 362);
- cap. 35, Il diritto di accesso (limited to the pp. 369 – 373);
- cap. 36, I contratti pubblici (limited to the pp. 375 – 381).

For the part related to judicial review:
1) Travi, Lezioni di giustizia amministrativa, Giappichelli, Torino, XI edizione, 2014, except for Chapter XIV;
and, in addition:
2) Gardini G., Mastragostino F., Vandelli L. (a cura di), La giustizia amministrativa nella giurisprudenza, Maggioli, Rimini, 2014, limited to the following parts:
- cap. 1, quadro generale (pp. 13 – 18) e par. 1.2 (pp. 21 – 25);
- cap. 2 (pp. 27 – 39);
- cap. 3, par. 3.1 (pp. 41 – 48); par. 3.2 e 3.2.1. (pp. 52 – 60);
- cap. 4, quadro generale (pp. 63 – 68) e par. 4.1 (pp. 68 – 71);
- cap. 5, quadro generale (pp. 75 – 76) e par. 5.2 (pp. 82 – 85);
- cap. 6, quadro generale (pp. 87 – 94), par. 6.2 (pp. 100 – 104) e par. 6.5 (pp. 111 – 116);
- cap. 7, par. 7.1 (pp. 117 – 125);
- cap. 8, quadro generale (pp. 133 – 136), par. 8.1 (pp. 137 – 141) e par. 8.3 (pp.145 – 149);
- cap. 9, par. 9.1 (pp. 151 – 157);
- cap. 10, quadro generale e sentenza a) (pp. 171 – 178);
- cap. 11, quadro generale e sentenza a) (pp. 183 – 189);
- cap. 13, quadro generale e sentenza a) (pp. 213 – 220);
- cap. 14, par. 14.2 (pp. 231 – 236) e par. 14.3 (pp. 236 – 249).