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The roundtable will take place on 19 February 2016, in the Aula Magna of the Department of Law of the University of Ferrara - Corso Ercole I d'Este, 37 - Ferrara.

How to reach the Law Department

If you wish to reach Ferrara by plane, the nearest airports are Bologna (about 55 km) and Venice (about 115 km). A shuttle connection exists between the airport of Bologna and Ferrara, run by Ferrara Bus & Fly (use the Estense Castle stop, once in Ferrara).

As for trains, please refer to the website of Trenitalia for timetables and further information. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the Department of Law from the railway station, if you go walking. Otherwise, you can take a bus: use line 1, line 6, line 9 or line 21 and stop at "Giardini - viale Cavour”, or use line 21 and stop at “Cavour barriera”, or line 3C and stop at "Contrada del Mirasole Arianuova".

If you need a taxi while in Ferrara, call (+39) 0532.900900.


Please refer to the official turist board site of Ferrara