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Strumenti personali

Introduction to Italian Private Law - 6 crediti

a.a. 2014/2015 - Prof. Alberto De Franceschi

- Programma del Corso:

The course will provide a general presentation of Italian private law, focusing on the law of contracts and obligations. Topics include: (I) the Italian legal system: the sources of Italian private law, the role of case law and legal scholarship; (II) legal facts and acts: transactions, validity and effectiveness of legal acts; (III) persons: natural and legal persons; (IV) the concept of “thing”: relations among “things”, public and private “things”, movables and immovable; (V) protection of rights: public records, proofs; (VI) prescription and limitation; (VII) ownership, property interests, possession; (VIII) the law of obligations: sources of obligations, performance, nonperformance, impossibility, manners of discharge other than performance, particular obligations, circulation of rights and obligations, securities; (IX) the law of contracts: the nature and definition of contracts, freedom of contract and its limits, the binding force of contracts, the elements of a contract, preliminary contracts, contracts transferring ownership or property interests, contracts and third persons, agency and representation, interpretation of contracts, validity of contracts, termination, rescission, particular types of contract; (X) general principles of tort law.


- Modalità d'esame:

L'esame consiste in una prova orale articolata in due domande di natura teorica integrate da una domanda a carattere pratico (soluzione di un caso pratico, analisi di un passaggio di una sentenza, analisi di una clausola contrattuale, etc.).


- Materiale didattico:

G. Iudica and P. Zatti, 'Language and Rules of Italian Private Law: An Introduction', 4th ed., Cedam, Padova, 2012.