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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Cognitive. The primary goal of the course is to give the knowledge of those microbiological concepts that are the bridge between pharmaceutical and medical sciences.
For this purpose the main acquired concepts will be:
• comprehension of the biology and genetic of those microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) that are the cause of infectious diseases
• knowledge of the pathogenic mechanism that lead to a specific infectious disease
• understanding of positive and harmful interaction between microorganisms and human host
• comprehension of the main aspects of immunology that regulate the immune response against the microorganisms
• understanding the evolution of the microorganisms to counteract the host immune response
• knowledge of the pharmaceutical drugs and the genetic mechanisms underlying drug resistence for bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens
• knowledge of antimicrobial vaccines and future direction for vaccination
Operative. To lead the student, through the knowledge of Microbiology, to be able to associate a pathogenic microorganism with a specific infection or disease
Behavioural. To make the student able to interface and inform the people with regard to the main and/or emerging infectious diseases. The community should be able to partecipate at the comprehension, in clear and simple terms, of those microbiology knowledges that enable to take important, critical and delicate decisions.


Basic concepts of biology and molecular biology, chemistry and biochemistry, anatomy and physiology.

Course programme

Introduction to Microbiology: The Microbial world: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Microbial diseases.
Basic Principles of Microbiology: Bacterial classification. Differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Bacterial ultrastructure. Differences between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Structure and biosynthesis of the major component of the bacterial cell wall. Cell division. Spores. Outlines of bacterial metabolism and growth. Bacterial genetic and mechanism of genetic transfer. Viral classification, structure and replication. Fungal classification, structure and replication. Commensal and pathogenic microbial flora in humans. Probiotics ad prebiotics. Sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis.
Basic concepts in the immune response: Innate and adaptive immunity. Elements and mechanisms of innate immunity. Elements of host protective adaptive responses. The humoral immune response. The cellular immune response. Immune response to Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi. Evasion of immune mechanisms by Bacteria and Viruses.
Antimicrobial vaccines.
Bacteriology: Mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis. Antibacterial agents. Laboratory diagnosis. Staphylococcus and related bacteria. Streptococcus, Corynebacterium. Enterococcus and other gram-positive cocchi. Listeria and other gram-positive bacilli. Neisseria. Enterobacteriaceae. Vibrio. Helicobacter pylory. Pseudomonas. Bordetella pertussis. Clostridium. Mycobacterium. Treponema. Mycoplasma and Ureoplasma. Chlamydia. Hospital-acquired infectious diseases
Virology: Mechamism of viral pathogenesis. Antiviral agents. Laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases. Human herpes viruses. Papilloma virus. Picornaviruses. Paramyxoviruses. Orthomyxoviruses. Retroviruses (Human immunodeficiency virus). Hepatitis viruses. Outlines of Adenoviruses, Poxviruses, Coronaviruses, Rotavirus, Rubivirus. Vectorborne viruses.
Mycology: Mechanism of fungal pathogenesis. Antifungal agents. Superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, systemic and opportunistic mycoses.

Didactic methods

The course is organized as follow: 72 hours of frontal lectures, that cover all topics of the programme, and direct assessment with the student, through dialogues and questions, in order to verify the level of understanding.

Learning assessment procedures

The level of achievement of previously indicated learning objectives is assessed through a written and oral examination. In particular, the exam aims to evaluate the study of the matter and the understanding of the main topics of the course.
The written exam includes 4 open questions that will focus on the knowledge gained during the lectures. The oral examination enables to consider the conceptual clarity using an appropriate scientific terminology and analytical/critical approach of the student towards the concepts learned during the course.
In order to pass the written exam you must acquire a minimum score of 18 out of 30. The final score is determined by oral examination.

Reference texts

Lectures slides
N.Carlone. Microbiologia farmaceutica . 2nd edition 2012, EdiSES
Murray P.R. Microbiologia Medica, EMSI