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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The aim of the course is providing the mathematical issues which are relevant for economics. In particular, the course deals with the study of functions of one real variable, calculus, integrals, matrices and linear systems.

At the end of the course the student is able:

- to evaluate the limit of the most important functions;

- to exploit the techniques of differential calculus, integration theory and linear algebra for solving easy problems in economics and finance.


Standard techniques of elementary algebra are requested, in particular: inequalities of first and second degree, inequalities with roots, exponential and logarithmic functions, main features of exponentiation and logarithm.

Course programme

Elementary functions of one real variable and their graphics.

Limits of functions and continuity, asymptotic relations.

Differential and integral calculus (computation of derivatives and primitives).
Properties of differentiable functions.

The Riemann integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Study of the graph of a function of a real variable.

Basic elements of linear algebra. Linear systems.

Didactic methods

Lessons in presence; tutoring

Learning assessment procedures

Written examination.

The course exam is devoted to test the level of achievement of the previously indicated training objectives. The exam (length 60 minutes) consists of seven open-ended questions which deal with theoretical issues, applications and exercises aiming to verify the knowledge of the topics of the course.

The single score is related to the difficulty of the question.
The final grade is the sum of the scores of the single questions. To pass the exam the student must obtain the minimum score of 18.

The student, who asks for DSA support, will attend the exam in oral form.

Reference texts

L. Peccati, S. Salsa, A. Squellati: Matematica per l'economia e l'azienda, Egea, Milano
S. Waner, S.R. Costenoble: Strumenti quantitativi per la gestione aziendale, Apogeo.