
last modified May 14, 2009 06:28 PM
Thesis in progress


Lorenzo Biolcati Rinaldi - Undergraduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering:
Wear and corrosion-wear behaviour of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings
Supervisor: Prof. C. Monticelli

Paolo Contini - Specialised Degree in Geological Science:
Study of the corrosion behaviour of reinforced concrete affected by carbonation and chloride pollution: evaluation of new corrosion inhibitors
Supervisors: Prof. C. Vaccaro, Prof. G. Santarato, Prof. C. Monticelli

Marco Dioli - Specialised Degree in Conservation and Diagnostic of Modern and Contemporary Art Works
Microstructural analysis of metallurgical renaissance slag aimed at investigating ancient metallurgical techniques (Porta Paola excavation - Ferrara )
Supervisors: Prof. C. Vaccaro, Prof. E. Marocchino, Prof. C. Monticelli