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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

This integrated course is aimed at the achievement of theoretical and procedural skills related to the three-dimensional digital representation of Architecture (Techniques of Representation 2) and to the indirect architectural survey (Architectural Survey 2), in close continuity with the course of Architectural Survey 1.

The course is organized into two integrated teaching modules:
1. The module of Techniques of Representation 2 (5 cfu)
2. The module of Architectural Survey 2 (4 cfu)

- basics and methods of the science of representation, from traditional to digital drawing;
- graphic norms and representation techniques through the evolution of traditional graphic and representational tools, up to the digital techniques of raster graphics, automatic drawing, three-dimensional modelling, rendering and solid prototyping;
- methods and tools for a direct and indirect architectural and urban survey: from levelling and trilateration processes using traditional tools to advanced morphometric technologies;
- application and representation issues of architectural survey data in relation to digital representation techniques, depending on scale, accuracy and precision requirements, and on the purpose of the survey;
- critical/selective survey methods of architecture, city, urban space and components of the urban scene.

The student will be able to:
- investigate, describe and check scientifically the architectural, urban and landscape space, its forms and materials;
- analyze and use advanced visual, diagnostic and documentary methods that allow to critically address the understanding of architecture, an urban context, a landscape concerning the formal, dimensional, chromatic and material, perceptual, historical-constructive and conservative features;
-manage a three-dimensional model (consistent for shape, size and detail) and its related orthogonal projections, connected to the logical-descriptive interpretation path;
- critically use methods, norms and tools of architectural representation (traditional and digital) according to the criteria of representation science, for the management of the geometric model of architectural, urban and landscape space;
- recognize the essential geometrical-representative issues for the choice of correct architectural and urban survey procedures, and the consistent data representation, according to the current technical regulations;
- critically assess the conditions of use of the various principles, methods, techniques of survey and representation on the basis of historical-morphological and conservative characters and contextual issues;
- selection and use of procedures and instruments (for survey and digital representation) aimed at gaining and transmitting information consistent with the required framework;
- identify the morphologic, material and chromatic components consistent with the representation aims, according to coded representation criteria and procedures;
- handle the basic issues of digital data integration.


It is possible to attend the exam only if the exam of “Architectural Survey I” has been approved.

Preliminary knowledge and skills required for the student to deal with new topics are:
- graphic standards and methods of architectural representation.
- Direct survey and representation (on-site drawing)
- Tools for direct on-site survey
- Basics and methods for direct architectural survey
- Photography for the architectural survey
- The survey of the architectural orders
- The ancient measurement systems and critical analysis
- Architecture digital representation (Raster Graphics, Vector Graphics)
- Processing techniques for ortho-photo (elevations), Print, Exchange formats

Course programme

The integrated course, organized into two integrated modules of Representation Techniques and Survey II, deals with the main topics of the three-dimensional digital representation of architecture and indirect architectural survey.

The Course of Techniques of Representation 2 aims to teach theoretical and practical knowledge of three-dimensional digital representation. This discipline is closely related to the issues of survey and architectural project. The goal is to develop a "geometric knowledge" in the framework of the digital drawing that continually offers new possibilities for the management of the project and its representation. The use of different software and examples of application are intended to bring the student to develop critical awareness, as well as new operational capabilities.

The course of Architectural Survey 2 is aimed at acquiring methods and integrated techniques for architectural survey through three-dimensional surveying technologies, and learning the techniques of data management and representation, in close continuity with the course of Architectural Survey I. The course offers a critical awareness on the choice of instruments and procedures in relation to the object and purpose of the survey. Through exercises in the classroom and on-site, the issues of data integration will be tested. The training process provides experience on existing architectural heritage.

Techniques of Representation 2
- 3D modelling methods and techniques: polygonal, NURBS, solid, BIM, parametric, generative
- Insights on parametric software based on BIM modelling and NURBS software
- Interchange formats
- Photorealistic and non-photorealistic renderings, basic knowledge of Animation
- Layout and management of print output

Architectural Survey 2
- Thematic survey
- Integrated advanced survey
- Integrated topographic survey
- Analytical photo straightening
- Photographic tools applied to architectural documentation
- Digital Photogrammetry
- Laser scanner survey
- Layout and communication

Didactic methods

Teaching methods are divided into:
- basic theoretical concepts illustrated by the teacher (lectures)
- tutorials, individual and / or in a team, to be carried out in the classroom or outside (workshop)
- a final exercise, in groups, aimed at the production of group and individual graphic representations. The context of application is the existing architectural heritage.
- Assessments and reviews.
It is required the own work equipment (personal laptop and reflex to be used by each group of students).

Learning assessment procedures

Teaching methods are divided into:
- basic theoretical concepts illustrated by the teacher (lectures)
- tutorials, individual and / or in a team, to be carried out in the classroom or outside (workshop)
- a final exercise, in groups, aimed at the production of a group and individual graphic representations. The context of an application is the existing architectural heritage.
- Assessments and reviews.
It is required the own work equipment (personal laptop and reflex to be used by a group of students).

Reference texts

R. SCATENI, P. CIGNONI, C. MONTANI, R. SCOPIGNO, Fondamenti di grafica tridimensionale interattiva, McGrawHill 2005.

M. DOCCI, D. MAESTRI, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Laterza, Bari 2009.

M. DOCCI, M. FILIPPA, E. CHIAVONI, Metodologie integrate per il rilievo, il disegno, la modellazione dell'architettura e della città: ricerca Prin 2007, coordinatore nazionale Mario Docci, Gangemi editore, Roma 2011.