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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio A
The objectives of the Laboratory are of different levels:
1) Provide the students with methods and basic techniques for the
recognition and analysis of the functional, morphologic and
infrastructural characters of urban contexts, aimed at the understanding
of their environmental, cultural, social and economic implications and at
their evaluation.
2) Provide knowledge about the methods of systemic analysis of the
urban and territorial context and its historic evolution.
Le lezioni teoriche saranno prevalentemente concentrate all'inizio del
semestre (contributi specifici dei due moduli didattici e lezioni impartite
dal docente di progettazione urbanistica) e -in integrazione a quanto
esplicitato dalle singole schede di insegnamento- verranno anche in parte
calibrate sulle peculiarità/tematiche specifiche che caratterizzano l'area
di lavoro scelta.
Grande parte del Laboratorio si concentrerà sullo sviluppo dei progetti,
dedicando revisioni individuali e di gruppo (seminariali) all'impostazione
del quadro analitico, la lettura critica delle problematicità, la definizione
di una strategia di intervento articolata per finalità-obiettivi-azioni, e
l'approfondimento di più “focus” progettuali.
Modalità di verifica
L’apprendimento di studenti e studentesse verrà monitorato in itinere, in
particolare attraverso le attività coordinate previste dal Laboratorio di
Urbanistica, come i momenti di verifica collettiva sull'avanzamento del
lavoro alla presenza di tutti gli studenti e tutti i docenti (momenti di
verifica obbligatori). Inoltre, una verifica costante avverrà anche tramite
la “valutazione” degli studenti durante i colloqui individuali di revisione
del progetto e, più in generale, la partecipazione degli stessi a tutte le
attività previste dal calendario del Laboratorio.
Il raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento sarà verificato:
in termini di conoscenze/capacità di elaborazione progettuale > al
termine del corso, durante l'esame, ovvero attraverso un'esposizione
orale corredata dalle tavole di progetto prodotte durante il semestre da
ogni gruppo di lavoro;
in termini di abilità e competenze > attraverso le attività svolte durante il
semestre e, in particolare, lo sviluppo del progetto all'interno del gruppo
di lavoro.
Criteri di valutazione
Durante l'esame finale, la commissione (composta dai docenti del corso)
terrà conto della qualità del processo progettuale sviluppato dallo
studente/studentessa, riscontrabile nelle tavole consegnate e discusse in
sede d'esame. Inoltre, il docente terrà in considerazione l'intero percorso
svolto e, nello specifico, l'attiva partecipazione dello
studente/studentessa a tutte le attività svolte dal Laboratorio.
Testi di riferimento - Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., “Governo del territorio e
pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013.
- Lynch K., “L'Immagine della Città”, Marsilio, 2001.
- Ricci C., “Bologna”, Laterza, 1985.
- Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005.
- Materiali didattici e indicazioni bibliografiche sui temi affrontati dal
Laboratorio vengono forniti all'inizio del semestre e durante lo svolgersi
delle lezioni.
Lingua insegnamento INGLESE
Obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Codice Descrizione
3) Provide knowledge about theories of design and urban planning,
techniques of analysis, policies for territorial governance, environmental
safeguard, sustainable use of resources, and environmental evaluation.
4) Provide the necessary elements for the application in the field of
planning of evaluation, composition, morphology, typology, systems of
territorial cartographic and computerized systems of representation.
5) Provide capacities for the understanding of the systems of
relationships among the urban area of intervention, the city and its
territory from an environmental, social, economic point of view.
All acquired knowledge will be applied to carry out, within the Laboratory,
the following design activities, preparatory to professional practice:
- planning and design interventions of urban conservation, requalification,
re-generation and/or urban transformation;
- developing of organizational diagrams containing the identification of
the areas and places of possible functional, morphologic and
environmental transformation;
- defining, within a strategic framework, specific design objectives, tools
of implementation, design actions and approaches, with particular care to
the organization of open spaces and connections, activities, the built
system, the organization of mobility, the relationships between open and
built systems.

The objectives of the Laboratory are of different levels:
1) Provide the students with methods and basic techniques for the
recognition and analysis of the functional, morphologic and
infrastructural characters of urban contexts, aimed at the understanding
of their environmental, cultural, social and economic implications and at
their evaluation.
2) Provide knowledge about the methods of systemic analysis of the
urban and territorial context and its historic evolution.
Le lezioni teoriche saranno prevalentemente concentrate all'inizio del
semestre (contributi specifici dei due moduli didattici e lezioni impartite
dal docente di progettazione urbanistica) e -in integrazione a quanto
esplicitato dalle singole schede di insegnamento- verranno anche in parte
calibrate sulle peculiarità/tematiche specifiche che caratterizzano l'area
di lavoro scelta.
Grande parte del Laboratorio si concentrerà sullo sviluppo dei progetti,
dedicando revisioni individuali e di gruppo (seminariali) all'impostazione
del quadro analitico, la lettura critica delle problematicità, la definizione
di una strategia di intervento articolata per finalità-obiettivi-azioni, e
l'approfondimento di più “focus” progettuali.
Modalità di verifica
L’apprendimento di studenti e studentesse verrà monitorato in itinere, in
particolare attraverso le attività coordinate previste dal Laboratorio di
Urbanistica, come i momenti di verifica collettiva sull'avanzamento del
lavoro alla presenza di tutti gli studenti e tutti i docenti (momenti di
verifica obbligatori). Inoltre, una verifica costante avverrà anche tramite
la “valutazione” degli studenti durante i colloqui individuali di revisione
del progetto e, più in generale, la partecipazione degli stessi a tutte le
attività previste dal calendario del Laboratorio.
Il raggiungimento dei risultati di apprendimento sarà verificato:
in termini di conoscenze/capacità di elaborazione progettuale > al
termine del corso, durante l'esame, ovvero attraverso un'esposizione
orale corredata dalle tavole di progetto prodotte durante il semestre da
ogni gruppo di lavoro;
in termini di abilità e competenze > attraverso le attività svolte durante il
semestre e, in particolare, lo sviluppo del progetto all'interno del gruppo
di lavoro.
Criteri di valutazione
Durante l'esame finale, la commissione (composta dai docenti del corso)
terrà conto della qualità del processo progettuale sviluppato dallo
studente/studentessa, riscontrabile nelle tavole consegnate e discusse in
sede d'esame. Inoltre, il docente terrà in considerazione l'intero percorso
svolto e, nello specifico, l'attiva partecipazione dello
studente/studentessa a tutte le attività svolte dal Laboratorio.
Testi di riferimento - Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., “Governo del territorio e
pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013.
- Lynch K., “L'Immagine della Città”, Marsilio, 2001.
- Ricci C., “Bologna”, Laterza, 1985.
- Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005.
- Materiali didattici e indicazioni bibliografiche sui temi affrontati dal
Laboratorio vengono forniti all'inizio del semestre e durante lo svolgersi
delle lezioni.
Lingua insegnamento INGLESE
Obiettivi per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Codice Descrizione
3) Provide knowledge about theories of design and urban planning,
techniques of analysis, policies for territorial governance, environmental
safeguard, sustainable use of resources, and environmental evaluation.
4) Provide the necessary elements for the application in the field of
planning of evaluation, composition, morphology, typology, systems of
territorial cartographic and computerized systems of representation.
5) Provide capacities for the understanding of the systems of
relationships among the urban area of intervention, the city and its
territory from an environmental, social, economic point of view.
All acquired knowledge will be applied to carry out, within the Laboratory,
the following design activities, preparatory to professional practice:
- planning and design interventions of urban conservation, requalification,
re-generation and/or urban transformation;
- developing of organizational diagrams containing the identification of
the areas and places of possible functional, morphologic and
environmental transformation;
- defining, within a strategic framework, specific design objectives, tools
of implementation, design actions and approaches, with particular care to
the organization of open spaces and connections, activities, the built
system, the organization of mobility, the relationships between open and
built systems.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio B
The objectives of the Laboratory are of different levels:
1) Provide the students with methods and basic techniques for the recognition and analysis of the functional, morphologic and infrastructural characters of urban contexts, aimed at the understanding of their environmental, cultural, social and economic implications and at their evaluation.
2) Provide knowledge about the methods of systemic analysis of the urban and territorial context and its historic evolution.
3) Provide knowledge about theories of design and urban planning, techniques of analysis, policies for territorial governance, environmental safeguard, sustainable use of resources, and environmental evaluation.
4) Provide the necessary elements for the application in the field of planning of evaluation, composition, morphology, typology, systems of territorial cartographic and computerized systems of representation.
5) Provide capacities for the understanding of the systems of relationships among the urban area of intervention, the city and its territory from an environmental, social, economic point of view.

All acquired knowledge will be applied to carry out, within the Laboratory, the following design activities, preparatory to professional practice:
- planning and design interventions of urban conservation, re-qualification, re-generation and/or urban transformation;
- developing of organizational diagrams containing the identification of the areas and places of possible functional, morphologic and environmental transformation;
- defining, within a strategic framework, specific design objectives, tools of implementation, design actions and approaches, with particular care to the organization of open spaces and connections, activities, the built system, the organization of mobility, the relationships between open and built systems.

The objectives of the Laboratory are of different levels:
1) Provide the students with methods and basic techniques for the recognition and analysis of the functional, morphologic and infrastructural characters of urban contexts, aimed at the understanding of their environmental, cultural, social and economic implications and at their evaluation.
2) Provide knowledge about the methods of systemic analysis of the urban and territorial context and its historic evolution.
3) Provide knowledge about theories of design and urban planning, techniques of analysis, policies for territorial governance, environmental safeguard, sustainable use of resources, and environmental evaluation.
4) Provide the necessary elements for the application in the field of planning of evaluation, composition, morphology, typology, systems of territorial cartographic and computerized systems of representation.
5) Provide capacities for the understanding of the systems of relationships among the urban area of intervention, the city and its territory from an environmental, social, economic point of view.

All acquired knowledge will be applied to carry out, within the Laboratory, the following design activities, preparatory to professional practice:
- planning and design interventions of urban conservation, re-qualification, re-generation and/or urban transformation;
- developing of organizational diagrams containing the identification of the areas and places of possible functional, morphologic and environmental transformation;
- defining, within a strategic framework, specific design objectives, tools of implementation, design actions and approaches, with particular care to the organization of open spaces and connections, activities, the built system, the organization of mobility, the relationships between open and built systems.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio C
The objectives of the Laboratory are of different levels:
1) Provide the students with methods and basic techniques for the recognition and analysis of the functional, morphologic and infrastructural characters of urban contexts, aimed at the understanding of their environmental, cultural, social and economic implications and at their evaluation.
2) Provide knowledge about the methods of systemic analysis of the urban and territorial context and its historic evolution.
3) Provide knowledge about theories of design and urban planning, techniques of analysis, policies for territorial governance, environmental safeguard, sustainable use of resources, and environmental evaluation.
4) Provide the necessary elements for the application in the field of planning of evaluation, composition, morphology, typology, systems of territorial cartographic and computerized systems of representation.
5) Provide capacities for the understanding of the systems of relationships among the urban area of intervention, the city and its territory from an environmental, social, economic point of view.
All acquired knowledge will be applied to carry out, within the Laboratory, the following design activities, preparatory to professional practice:
- planning and design interventions of urban conservation, re-qualification, re-generation and/or urban transformation;
- developing of organizational diagrams containing the identification of the areas and places of possible functional, morphologic and environmental transformation;
- defining, within a strategic framework, specific design objectives, tools of implementation, design actions and approaches, with particular care to the organization of open spaces and connections, activities, the built system, the organization of mobility, the relationships between open and built systems.

The objectives of the Laboratory are of different levels:
1) Provide the students with methods and basic techniques for the recognition and analysis of the functional, morphologic and infrastructural characters of urban contexts, aimed at the understanding of their environmental, cultural, social and economic implications and at their evaluation.
2) Provide knowledge about the methods of systemic analysis of the urban and territorial context and its historic evolution.
3) Provide knowledge about theories of design and urban planning, techniques of analysis, policies for territorial governance, environmental safeguard, sustainable use of resources, and environmental evaluation.
4) Provide the necessary elements for the application in the field of planning of evaluation, composition, morphology, typology, systems of territorial cartographic and computerized systems of representation.
5) Provide capacities for the understanding of the systems of relationships among the urban area of intervention, the city and its territory from an environmental, social, economic point of view.
All acquired knowledge will be applied to carry out, within the Laboratory, the following design activities, preparatory to professional practice:
- planning and design interventions of urban conservation, re-qualification, re-generation and/or urban transformation;
- developing of organizational diagrams containing the identification of the areas and places of possible functional, morphologic and environmental transformation;
- defining, within a strategic framework, specific design objectives, tools of implementation, design actions and approaches, with particular care to the organization of open spaces and connections, activities, the built system, the organization of mobility, the relationships between open and built systems.


Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio A
The exam can be taken only by those who have successfully passed the
previous exam in "Urbanism" (II year).
Participation in the course is open to Erasmus students and to those from
other exchange programs.
Ability in the use 2D and 3D softwares / programs is required.

The exam can be taken only by those who have successfully passed the
previous exam in "Urbanism" (II year).
Participation in the course is open to Erasmus students and to those from
other exchange programs.
Ability in the use 2D and 3D softwares / programs is required.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio B
The exam can be taken only by those who have successfully passed the previous exam in "Urbanism".
Participation in the course is open to Erasmus students and to those from other exchange programs.
Ability in the use of rendering and CAD softwares, and geo-referenced programs are required.

The exam can be taken only by those who have successfully passed the previous exam in "Urbanism".
Participation in the course is open to Erasmus students and to those from other exchange programs.
Ability in the use of rendering and CAD softwares, and geo-referenced programs are required.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio C
The exam can be taken only by those who have successfully passed the previous exam in Urbanism
Participation in the course is open to Erasmus students and to those from other exchange programs.
Ability in the use of rendering and CAD softwares, and geo-referenced programs are required.

The exam can be taken only by those who have successfully passed the previous exam in Urbanism
Participation in the course is open to Erasmus students and to those from other exchange programs.
Ability in the use of rendering and CAD softwares, and geo-referenced programs are required.

Course programme

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio A
TThe Laboratory develops an experience of urban planning and design.
Together with the design exercise and with the contribution of the
complementary modules, the Laboratory analyses the territorial and
urban contexts and their transformations; investigates the tools for urban
and territorial planning; evaluates the potentials of implementing a
complex process of urban transformation and/or reuse.
Moreover, project experiences of design and planning and examples of
good practices in urban conservation, re-qualification and transformation
in Italy and other countries will be illustrated.
The exercise is carried out throughout three phases:
1) Identification of the potential aspects and opportunities for urban
transformation and reuse and construction of a strategic framework:
analysis of the planning framework, projects, programs and existing
urban plans aimed at the evaluation of their impact on the future
configuration of the area and on the system of urban relationships. This
phase foresees the "reading" of the different contexts involved through
field visits and surveys and a first definition of goals and objectives
(represented with diagrams, sketches, notes, etc.)
2) Elaboration of a "master plan" with the identification of the areas and
specific places of possible functional and morphological transformation or
reuse; first definition of site land use, accessibility pattern and types of
intervention. The master plan is developed through draft representations
previously discussed and agreed upon with the Professors.
3) Final definition of the overall planning scheme and detailed layout
design, focusing on one of the areas of transformation or reuse identified
by the "master plan", to be represented through plans, sections at the
appropriate scales, sketches, etc. During this phase, the final drawings
required for the exam are produced.
At the end of each phase, a presentation is expected on the on-going
works in all three sections of the Laboratory.
The contributions from the additional modules will be focused on:
Module of "Urban Geography": urban formative and evolutionary
processes, and the study of urbanization dynamics in the contemporary
world, with special reference to urban and social morphologies.
Module of “Techniques of Urban and Territorial Analysis”: reading of the
urban context and the use of appropriate techniques for the gathering
and organization of data and the evaluation of design choices.
The course will be conducted according to the schedule and modalities
defined by the coordinated organization of the Urban Planning Studio (A,
B, C), which sees the synergy of different courses in order to guide the
student through a complex urban design exercise.
The proposed teaching method is based on:
- face-to-face lectures given in the classroom by the professors;
- surveys on the selected areas of study;
- collective review moments on the progress of the design development,
through video presentations in the presence of all students and all
- individual/group reviews on the project topic.
Lectures will be mainly concentrated at the beginning of the semester
(specific contributions of the two teaching modules and lectures given by
the urban design professor). A large part of the Studio Class will focus on
project development, dedicating individual and group reviews to the
structuring of the analytical framework, critical reading of the specific
issues, the definition of an intervention strategy articulated by goalsobjectives-
actions, and the deepening of multiple design "focuses."

TThe Laboratory develops an experience of urban planning and design.
Together with the design exercise and with the contribution of the
complementary modules, the Laboratory analyses the territorial and
urban contexts and their transformations; investigates the tools for urban
and territorial planning; evaluates the potentials of implementing a
complex process of urban transformation and/or reuse.
Moreover, project experiences of design and planning and examples of
good practices in urban conservation, re-qualification and transformation
in Italy and other countries will be illustrated.
The exercise is carried out throughout three phases:
1) Identification of the potential aspects and opportunities for urban
transformation and reuse and construction of a strategic framework:
analysis of the planning framework, projects, programs and existing
urban plans aimed at the evaluation of their impact on the future
configuration of the area and on the system of urban relationships. This
phase foresees the "reading" of the different contexts involved through
field visits and surveys and a first definition of goals and objectives
(represented with diagrams, sketches, notes, etc.)
2) Elaboration of a "master plan" with the identification of the areas and
specific places of possible functional and morphological transformation or
reuse; first definition of site land use, accessibility pattern and types of
intervention. The master plan is developed through draft representations
previously discussed and agreed upon with the Professors.
3) Final definition of the overall planning scheme and detailed layout
design, focusing on one of the areas of transformation or reuse identified
by the "master plan", to be represented through plans, sections at the
appropriate scales, sketches, etc. During this phase, the final drawings
required for the exam are produced.
At the end of each phase, a presentation is expected on the on-going
works in all three sections of the Laboratory.
The contributions from the additional modules will be focused on:
Module of "Urban Geography": urban formative and evolutionary
processes, and the study of urbanization dynamics in the contemporary
world, with special reference to urban and social morphologies.
Module of “Techniques of Urban and Territorial Analysis”: reading of the
urban context and the use of appropriate techniques for the gathering
and organization of data and the evaluation of design choices.
The course will be conducted according to the schedule and modalities
defined by the coordinated organization of the Urban Planning Studio (A,
B, C), which sees the synergy of different courses in order to guide the
student through a complex urban design exercise.
The proposed teaching method is based on:
- face-to-face lectures given in the classroom by the professors;
- surveys on the selected areas of study;
- collective review moments on the progress of the design development,
through video presentations in the presence of all students and all
- individual/group reviews on the project topic.
Lectures will be mainly concentrated at the beginning of the semester
(specific contributions of the two teaching modules and lectures given by
the urban design professor). A large part of the Studio Class will focus on
project development, dedicating individual and group reviews to the
structuring of the analytical framework, critical reading of the specific
issues, the definition of an intervention strategy articulated by goalsobjectives-
actions, and the deepening of multiple design "focuses."

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio B
The Laboratory develops an experience of urban planning and design.
Together with the design exercise and with the contribution of the complementary modules, the Laboratory analyses the territorial and urban contexts and their transformations; investigates the tools for urban and territorial planning; evaluates the potentials of implementing a complex process of urban transformation and/or reuse.
Moreover, project experiences of design and planning and examples of good practices in urban conservation, re-qualification and transformation in Italy and other countries will be illustrated.
The exercise is carried out throughout three phases:
1) Identification of the potential aspects and opportunities for urban transformation and reuse and construction of a strategic framework: analysis of the planning framework, projects, programs and existing urban plans aimed at the evaluation of their impact on the future configuration of the area and on the system of urban relationships. This phase foresees the "reading" of the different contexts involved through field visits and surveys and a first definition of goals and objectives (represented with diagrams, sketches, notes, etc.)
2) Elaboration of a "master plan" with the identification of the areas and specific places of possible functional and morphological transformation or reuse; first definition of site land use, accessibility pattern and types of intervention. The master plan is developed through draft representations previously discussed and agreed upon with the Professors.
3) Final definition of the overall planning scheme and detailed layout design, focusing on one of the areas of transformation or reuse identified by the "master plan", to be represented through plans, sections at the appropriate scales, sketches, etc. During this phase, the final drawings required for the exam are produced.
At the end of each phase, a presentation is expected on the on-going works in all three sections of the Laboratory.

The contributions from the additional modules will be focused on:
Module of “History of Urbanism”: issues related to recent evolutions in the field of urban projects and forms of planning.
Module of “Techniques of Urban and Territorial Analysis”: reading of the urban context and the use of appropriate techniques for the gathering and organization of data and the evaluation of design choices.

The Laboratory develops an experience of urban planning and design.
Together with the design exercise and with the contribution of the complementary modules, the Laboratory analyses the territorial and urban contexts and their transformations; investigates the tools for urban and territorial planning; evaluates the potentials of implementing a complex process of urban transformation and/or reuse.
Moreover, project experiences of design and planning and examples of good practices in urban conservation, re-qualification and transformation in Italy and other countries will be illustrated.
The exercise is carried out throughout three phases:
1) Identification of the potential aspects and opportunities for urban transformation and reuse and construction of a strategic framework: analysis of the planning framework, projects, programs and existing urban plans aimed at the evaluation of their impact on the future configuration of the area and on the system of urban relationships. This phase foresees the "reading" of the different contexts involved through field visits and surveys and a first definition of goals and objectives (represented with diagrams, sketches, notes, etc.)
2) Elaboration of a "master plan" with the identification of the areas and specific places of possible functional and morphological transformation or reuse; first definition of site land use, accessibility pattern and types of intervention. The master plan is developed through draft representations previously discussed and agreed upon with the Professors.
3) Final definition of the overall planning scheme and detailed layout design, focusing on one of the areas of transformation or reuse identified by the "master plan", to be represented through plans, sections at the appropriate scales, sketches, etc. During this phase, the final drawings required for the exam are produced.
At the end of each phase, a presentation is expected on the on-going works in all three sections of the Laboratory.

The contributions from the additional modules will be focused on:
Module of “History of Urbanism”: issues related to recent evolutions in the field of urban projects and forms of planning.
Module of “Techniques of Urban and Territorial Analysis”: reading of the urban context and the use of appropriate techniques for the gathering and organization of data and the evaluation of design choices.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio C
The Laboratory develops an experience of urban planning and design.
Together with the design exercise and with the contribution of the complementary modules, the Laboratory analyses the territorial and urban contexts and their transformations; investigates the tools for urban and territorial planning; evaluates the potentials of implementing a complex process of urban transformation and/or reuse.
Moreover, project experiences of design and planning and examples of good practices in urban conservation, re-qualification and transformation in Italy and other countries will be illustrated.
The exercise is carried out throughout three phases:
1) Identification of the potential aspects and opportunities for urban transformation and reuse and construction of a strategic framework: analysis of the planning framework, projects, programs and existing urban plans aimed at the evaluation of their impact on the future configuration of the area and on the system of urban relationships. This phase foresees the "reading" of the different contexts involved through field visits and surveys and a first definition of goals and objectives (represented with diagrams, sketches, notes, etc.)
2) Elaboration of a "master plan" with the identification of the areas and specific places of possible functional and morphological transformation or reuse; first definition of site land use, accessibility pattern and types of intervention. The master plan is developed through draft representations previously discussed and agreed upon with the Professors.
3) Final definition of the overall planning scheme and detailed layout design, focusing on one of the areas of transformation or reuse identified by the "master plan", to be represented through plans, sections at the appropriate scales, sketches, etc. During this phase, the final drawings required for the exam are produced.
At the end of each phase, a presentation is expected on the on-going works in all three sections of the Laboratory.
The contributions from the additional modules will be focused on:
Module of “History of Urbanism”: issues related to recent evolutions in the field of urban projects and forms of planning.
Module of “Techniques of Urban and Territorial Analysis”: reading of the urban context and the use of appropriate techniques for the gathering and organization of data and the evaluation of design choices.

The Laboratory develops an experience of urban planning and design.
Together with the design exercise and with the contribution of the complementary modules, the Laboratory analyses the territorial and urban contexts and their transformations; investigates the tools for urban and territorial planning; evaluates the potentials of implementing a complex process of urban transformation and/or reuse.
Moreover, project experiences of design and planning and examples of good practices in urban conservation, re-qualification and transformation in Italy and other countries will be illustrated.
The exercise is carried out throughout three phases:
1) Identification of the potential aspects and opportunities for urban transformation and reuse and construction of a strategic framework: analysis of the planning framework, projects, programs and existing urban plans aimed at the evaluation of their impact on the future configuration of the area and on the system of urban relationships. This phase foresees the "reading" of the different contexts involved through field visits and surveys and a first definition of goals and objectives (represented with diagrams, sketches, notes, etc.)
2) Elaboration of a "master plan" with the identification of the areas and specific places of possible functional and morphological transformation or reuse; first definition of site land use, accessibility pattern and types of intervention. The master plan is developed through draft representations previously discussed and agreed upon with the Professors.
3) Final definition of the overall planning scheme and detailed layout design, focusing on one of the areas of transformation or reuse identified by the "master plan", to be represented through plans, sections at the appropriate scales, sketches, etc. During this phase, the final drawings required for the exam are produced.
At the end of each phase, a presentation is expected on the on-going works in all three sections of the Laboratory.
The contributions from the additional modules will be focused on:
Module of “History of Urbanism”: issues related to recent evolutions in the field of urban projects and forms of planning.
Module of “Techniques of Urban and Territorial Analysis”: reading of the urban context and the use of appropriate techniques for the gathering and organization of data and the evaluation of design choices.

Didactic methods

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio A
Students' learning will be monitored in progress, especially through the
coordinated activities provided by the Urban Planning Studio, such as
collective reviews in the presence of all students and professors
(mandatory activities). In addition, constant assessment will also take
place through students' "evaluation" during individual project review and,
more generally, their participation in all the activities scheduled in the
Lab's calendar.
The achievement of learning outcomes will be verified:
in terms of knowledge/design processing skills > at the end of the course,
during the exam, i.e. through an oral presentation supported by the
project panels produced during the semester by each group;
in terms of skills and competencies > through the activities carried out
during the semester and, in particular, project development within the
working group.

Students' learning will be monitored in progress, especially through the
coordinated activities provided by the Urban Planning Studio, such as
collective reviews in the presence of all students and professors
(mandatory activities). In addition, constant assessment will also take
place through students' "evaluation" during individual project review and,
more generally, their participation in all the activities scheduled in the
Lab's calendar.
The achievement of learning outcomes will be verified:
in terms of knowledge/design processing skills > at the end of the course,
during the exam, i.e. through an oral presentation supported by the
project panels produced during the semester by each group;
in terms of skills and competencies > through the activities carried out
during the semester and, in particular, project development within the
working group.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio B
The course will be conducted according to the schedule and modalities defined by the coordinated organization of the Urban Planning Studio (A, B, C), which sees the synergy of different courses in order to guide the student through a complex urban design exercise.

The proposed teaching method is based on:
- face-to-face lectures given in the classroom by the professors;
- surveys on the selected areas of study;
- collective review moments on the progress of the design development, through video presentations in the presence of all students and all professors;
- individual/group reviews on the project topic.

Lectures will be mainly concentrated at the beginning of the semester (specific contributions of the two teaching modules and lectures given by the urban design professor). A large part of the Studio Class will focus on project development, dedicating individual and group reviews to the structuring of the analytical framework, critical reading of the specific issues, the definition of an intervention strategy articulated by goals-objectives-actions, and the deepening of multiple design "focuses."

The course will be conducted according to the schedule and modalities defined by the coordinated organization of the Urban Planning Studio (A, B, C), which sees the synergy of different courses in order to guide the student through a complex urban design exercise.

The proposed teaching method is based on:
- face-to-face lectures given in the classroom by the professors;
- surveys on the selected areas of study;
- collective review moments on the progress of the design development, through video presentations in the presence of all students and all professors;
- individual/group reviews on the project topic.

Lectures will be mainly concentrated at the beginning of the semester (specific contributions of the two teaching modules and lectures given by the urban design professor). A large part of the Studio Class will focus on project development, dedicating individual and group reviews to the structuring of the analytical framework, critical reading of the specific issues, the definition of an intervention strategy articulated by goals-objectives-actions, and the deepening of multiple design "focuses."

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio C


Learning assessment procedures

Reference texts

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio A
Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., “Governo del territorio e
pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013.
- Lynch K., “L'Immagine della Città”, Marsilio, 2001.
- Ricci C., “Bologna”, Laterza, 1985.
- Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005.
Specific materials and further bibliographic indications on the topics
addressed by the Laboratory are provided at the beginning of the
semester, and during the development of the course.

Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., “Governo del territorio e
pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013.
- Lynch K., “L'Immagine della Città”, Marsilio, 2001.
- Ricci C., “Bologna”, Laterza, 1985.
- Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005.
Specific materials and further bibliographic indications on the topics
addressed by the Laboratory are provided at the beginning of the
semester, and during the development of the course.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio B
- Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., “Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013.
- Lynch K., “L'Immagine della Città”, Marsilio, 2001.
- Ricci C., “Bologna”, Laterza, 1985.
- Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005.
Specific materials and further bibliographic indications on the topics addressed by the Laboratory are provided at the beginning of the semester, and during the development of the course.

- Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L., “Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013.
- Lynch K., “L'Immagine della Città”, Marsilio, 2001.
- Ricci C., “Bologna”, Laterza, 1985.
- Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005.
Specific materials and further bibliographic indications on the topics addressed by the Laboratory are provided at the beginning of the semester, and during the development of the course.

Partizione Studenti: Laboratorio C
L. Gaeta, U. Janin Rivolin, L. Mazza, “Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013, ISBN 9788825173826
Kevin Lynch, “L’immagine della città”, Marsilio Editori, Venezia 1964, ISBN 9788831772678
Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005
Specific materials and further bibliographic indications on the topics addressed by the Laboratory are provided at the beginning of the semester, and during the development of the course.

L. Gaeta, U. Janin Rivolin, L. Mazza, “Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale”, CittàStudiEdizioni, 2013, ISBN 9788825173826
Kevin Lynch, “L’immagine della città”, Marsilio Editori, Venezia 1964, ISBN 9788831772678
Secchi B., “La Città del Ventesimo Secolo”, Laterza, 2005
Specific materials and further bibliographic indications on the topics addressed by the Laboratory are provided at the beginning of the semester, and during the development of the course.