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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The course provides the critical tools for the comprehension of early modern architecture history and the basic knowledge for an historical-critical reading of early modern art history, from fifteenth to eighteenth century, with particular attention to Italian area.
The method puts the events in their chronological order, with the aim of illustrating, in a general context, the historical process related to real architecture and the evolution of other artistic expressions, in their development in time and in different places.
Students, as future architects, are learning the principles and the lexicon of the language that have regulated artistic and structural composition of an architecture, through a critical method that considers the historical building not as a defined result but as a constantly process in change and development. The different trends, principal architects, patrons and related artistic productions will be analyzed in relation to historical-social environment and to formal-aesthetic aspects.

The chronological series of lessons, from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century with some monographic lectures, will be an opportunity to:
- recognize the key role that have history for the comprehension of historical architecture and of different historical design strategy;
- learn a knowledge instrument needful in restoration and conservation project
- apply a conscious approach at architectural design of new buildings.
History of Early modern Architecture course is based on the knowledge that any historical study can only be an investigation action on specific events, both in architecture and art. This study aims to carry out a rigorous investigation of facts and reconstruct in analytical way the building process.


To take the exam you must have already passed the following examinations:
- History of Ancient and Medieval Architecture.
Knowledge required:
- knowledge of the main architectural works from the classical world to the late Romanesque period.
- skills in reading of architectural language and its constitutive elements
- ability in recognition of the classical orders in architecture.

Course programme

The course covers the main topics of history of architecture and art between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, with particular attention to Italian peninsula and its architectural and artistic production. Lessons are on artists (architects, painters, sculptors), works (architecture, picture and sculpture) and cultural contexts.
Regarding architecture it is provided lessons about an European overview in relation with main socio-political economic events.
- History of early modern architecture
XVth century.
FIRENZE: Osp. degli Innocenti, S.M. del Fiore, S.Lorenzo, Sagrestia Vecchia, Capp. Pazzi, Rotonda degli Angeli, S.Spirito, P.zzo Medici Riccardi, P.zzo Rucellai, Capp. Rucellai, S.M. Novella
RIMINI: Tempio Malatestiano
MANTOVA: S.Sebastiano, S.Andrea
URBINO: P.zzo Ducale
PIENZA: Cattedrale, P.zzo Vescovile, P.zzo Comunale
FERRARA: Addizione Erculea, P.zzo Diamanti
ROMA: S.Marco, Il Viridario, S.M. del Popolo, S.Agostino, Ponte Sisto, SS.Apostoli, S.Pietro in Vincoli, P.zzo della Cancelleria
XVIth century.
ROMA:Chiostro di S.M. della Pace, Tempietto di S.Pietro in Montorio, P.zzo Caprini, S.Pietro, P.zzo Alberini, Capp. Chigi in S.M. del Popolo, Villa Madama, P.zzo Massimo alle Colonne, La Farnesina, P.zzo Farnese, P.zzo Baldassini, P.zzo Adimari Salviati, Villa Lante, P.zzo Stati Maccarani, P.zza del Campidoglio
POGGIO A CAIANO: Villa di Poggio a Caiano
FIRENZE: Biblioteca Laurenziana
ROMA: Il Gesù, S.Andrea, S.Anna dei Palafrenieri, P.zzo Farnese a Caprarola
MANTOVA: P.zzo del Te
VERONA: Porta Nuova, Porta Palio, Porta San Zeno, P.zzo Canossa
VENEZIA: P.zzo Corner-Grimani, Libreria di p.zza S. Marco, Loggetta del campanile
VICENZA: P.zzo della Ragione, P.zzo Porto, P.zzo Chiericati, P.zzo Thiene, Villa Godi, La Rotonda, La Malcontenta, Villa Emo
VENEZIA: S.Giorgio Maggiore, il Redentore
ROMA: Villa Montalto Peretti, Mostra dell'Acqua Felice, Obelisco Vaticano, Laterano
XVIIth century
NAPOLI: P.zzo Reale, P.zzo Donn'Anna, la Certosa
LECCE: S. Croce, il Gesù.
ROMA: S. M. della Pace, SS. Luca e Martina, S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Oratorio di S. Filippo Neri, S. Ivo alla Sapienza, S. Agnese in Agone, S. Andrea delle Fratte, Collegio di Propaganda Fide, P.zzo Montecitorio, piazza S. Pietro, S. Andrea al Quirinale, P.zzo Odescalchi
XVIIIth century
NAPOLI: P.zzo Sanfelice, S. Giovanni a Carbonara, Osp. dei Poveri
ROMA: S. M. Maggiore, P.zzo della Consulta
ROMA: Arco di Trionfo in onore di Clemente XI, S. M. in Trastevere, Porto di Ripetta, Trinità dei Monti, Pzz. S.Ignazio, S. Giovanni in Laterano
EUROPE: European royal palace
- History of early modern art
Gentile da Fabriano
Beato Angelico
Piero della Francesca
Antonello da Messina

Didactic methods

The course takes place mainly through lectures by the two professors, properly alternating to address the study program through an appropriate chronological order. Besides the chronological lectures are contemplated additional monographic lectures, linked to a particular historical moment, or a specific architect or artist or a particular work.
It’s also planned some exercises of historical research methodology and one/two tours to monuments or collections, oriented to a direct examination of the architectural works, paintings and sculptures.

Learning assessment procedures

Evaluation method about student’s knowledge and skills consists of a single exam, in which the student speaks about the themes of the two modules. For both item, teachers proceed with some questions about the topics listed in the course contents and discussed during the course. The evaluation consists in a single vote, an average between the two evaluation (history of architecture and history of art).
To pass the exam you need to acquire a minimum score of 18/30.

Reference texts

- D. Watkin, Storia dell'Architettura occidentale, Zanichelli, 2012 (le pp. 199-237 e 271-317).
- Storia dell'arte italiana, diretta da C. Bertelli, G. Briganti, A. Giuliano, Electa-Mondadori 1990-1991, volume II e volume III.
Students will be sent to other optional texts deepening part of the monographic lectures.