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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Primo Semestre

Training objectives

The course aims to provide students with the tools necessary for the technological analysis of a lithic reduction sequence (from the Lower Paleolithic to the Mesolithic). By combining theoretical classes with those of the laboratory, the aim is to give to students the tools to define and recognize a reduction sequence, from the acquisition of raw material to its knapping (methods and techniques) the possible retouching and discard. The course will also help to provide the necessary knowledge to be able to understand all the terminology and aspects of study and approaches used in the past.
At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to deal independently studying a lithic complex highlighting mode and production purposes.


Basic knowledge concerning the Quaternary's Chronology and Paleoanthropology.

Course programme

The course will follow a purely technological approach aims to define in detail all the methods of knapping, shaping and retouching. It will also define in detail the techniques of percussion and the typology of retouched implements:
- Define a tool: Tools and animals, tools and man.
- Technological reading of a lithic implement: The concept of reduction sequence: a new approach to the study of the lithic complexes; Concepts and methods; Products and residues of shaping;
- Observation of the surface alterations; Refittings for the interpretation of a lithic assemblage;
- Experiences of knapping.
- Raw materials: The minerals andtThe rocks;
- Raw materials of organic origin; Bone Processing, Woodworking,
- Supply areas and raw material.
- Techniques of knapping: Principles for recognition of knapping techniques.
- Debitage, shaping and retouching methods: definition of débitage methods (SSDA, Quina, Kombewa, Discoid, Levallois, Laminar) and shaping (reduction sequnces for the production of choppers-cores, handaxes, hacereaux, triedral, polyhedra, spheroids and bolas) from the Lower Paleolithic to the Neolithic; Retouch description.
- The retouched tools typology: The typological list of François Bordes; The analytical typology of Gorge Laplace.

Didactic methods

Theoretical lessons will be frontal and aimed at analyzing in detail all the knapping methods
The lessons will be alternated with workshops (mandatory participation in at least 50% of the workshops).
All theoretical lessons will also be made available in the form of short videos explaining concepts in theory and showing the same on materials; the videos will be associated with explanatory ppt.
Each week will be given an exercise that students can decide (or not) to do; those who do will be evaluated and the grade will contribute to the final grade of the exam.

Learning assessment procedures

The oral examination involves the submission of reduction sequence, made by the student, through the use of a .ppt of about 10-15 slides and 3-4 questions about the topics covered during the course and the labs.

Reference texts

Arzarello M., Fontana F., Peresani M. 2011 Manuale di tecnologia litica. Carocci Editore, 250 pp.