"IMPReSA" Project

last modified Jul 08, 2020 04:31 PM

The Project "IMPReSA - Impiego di Materiali Plastici da Riciclo per malte e calcestruzzi Strutturali Alleggeriti" has been financed by the Emilia Romagna regin in the framework of the call "POR-FESR 2014-2020 - ASSE 1 Ricerca e Innovazione - Azione 1.2.2 - Bando per progetti di ricerca industriale strategica rivolti agli ambiti prioritari della Strategia di Specializzazione Intelligente".

WEBSITE: www.impresa-betonplast.it


The project IMPReSA aims at providing novel applications in the civil engineering field, wich incorporate plastic debris no longer exploitable for the pristine intended use, by following the Cicular Economy principles. The project, in fact, promotes the use of non-recyclable plastic materials as reinforcing phase and lightweight aggregates within cementius mortars for structural purposes, by partially substituting the aggregates retrieved from natural sources. The main goal consists in the study, the design, and the development of innovative "eco-friendly" costruction materials, including reinforcing plastic fibers or particles, which may contribute to the transition towards a green economy which takes into account the sustainable use of resources.



  • Interdepartmental Centre EN&TECH (leader) - Research centre with focuses on construction materials, home and building automation, and energy efficiency of buildings.
  • Interdepartmental Centre CRICT - Research centre which combines technical and scientific expertise in the wide field of the seismic, hydraulic, and civil engineering and the environmental and geological sciences.
  • Interdepartmental Centre CIDEA - Research centre which provides operational support in the fileds of renewable energy sources, and for energy generation, conversion, transport, environmental impact.
  • TEKNEHUB - Laboratory which provides support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of new methodologies, materials and expertise related to the cultural heritage.