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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

To give basic knowledge on the immune system and the defense against pathogens; deepening: phagocytosis, antibody response, the complement, self-non self recognition, transplant rejection, pathologies due to malfunction immune system for the correct application of these concepts to the laboratory diagnostic proceed.
Learning of the principles and techniques useful in recognizing blood components (cells and plasma proteins). Blood functions and recognition of the main alterations in cells ratios and number and morphology changing: Cytology investigations aimed in morphological, functional and number parameters. Ability in the correct interpretation of changes in the concentration of plasma proteins blood protein. Blood Coagulation cascade (factors and cofactors functions).
Recognition and detection of the main pathogenetic gene mutations in hematological malignancies, thrombophilia and hemophilia. Practical pharmacogenetics application.
The molecular Biology techniques in the Biomedical Labs (diagnosis, prognosis and drug monitoring; i.e. minimal residual disease) in haematological fields. Learning of the main techniques for the expression, synthesis and purification of the biological-recombinant drugs and directions for use. Learning of the main biologic-functional tests in Hematology.
The student will learn the fundamental aspects of the principal laboratory techniques in immunohematology and hematology in the optics of the application to tranfusional RBC typization and in study of hemolytic anemia. Skills with main techniques of trasfusional medicine.


Knowledge of biology, genetics, molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistry

Course programme

Immune cells: B and T lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer. Innate immunity, chemical-physical barriers, PAMPs receptors and opsonins, phagocytosis. The antibody mediated response, immunoglobulins, B cell receptor. The complement system, T cell receptor and MHC complex. Immediate, antibody, immunocomplex and cell mediated hypersensitivity. Blood cells: morphology of of eritrocytes, platlets, neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes. Practical course staining of blood samples with May Grunewald Giemsa and observation at the microscope of blood cells.
Blood, circulation, composition and function. Haemochrome and formula, cytology and blood function, blood coagulation, coagulation abnormalities (von Willebrandt disease, Haemophilia, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation).
Blood cells disorders (anemia and policythemia); white cells disorders (leukocytosis and leucopenia, cjronic and acute leukemias); platets disorders (thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia). Each disease will be discussed referring especially to blood tests and laboratory techniques necessary for the diagnosis and for monitoring minimal residual disease mutations
Red blood cell antigens: biochemistry, genetics, structure and function. Blood groups: ABO, (ABO, Ii, Hh, SEse, Lu, P). RH (Rh weak, Rh null, Rh partial), Kell, Duffy, Kidd and MNSs. Anti red blood cell antibodies. Antigen-antibody binding interactions. The complement and immunohematologic reactions. Direct and indirect antiglobulin test. Intra and extravascular hemolysis. Immune haemolytic anemia (IgG and IgM). Newborn haemolytic anemia. Identification of anti red blood cell antibodies. Cross matching procedures. Transfusion errors and their prevention.
Collection and handling of blood. Reference ranges and normal values. Basic manual and automated hematological techniques for blood cell counting. Preparation and staining methods for blood and bone marrow films. Bone marrow biopsy. Blood cell morphology. Hematopoietic stem cell isolation and characterization. Flow cytometry and immunophenotyping.

Didactic methods

lectures and laboratory
Frontal lessons, using power point presentations and video-clips related to the specific topics day by day. In addition, a practical laboratory lesson is used to summarize the main subjects of the whole course of hematology at the end of the course

Learning assessment procedures

IMMUNOLOGY: written exam with 36 multiple choice questions (4 possible answers, only 1 correct). Each correct answer corresponds to 1 point, without penalty for uncorrect answers. To pass the exam the students need to respond correctly to at list 18 questions. Examination time (60 min);
HEMATOLOGY: Oral examination, 15-20 minutes in length. The final score will be assigned based on the completeness and clarity of presentation and the confidence on the technical aspects. The maximum score is 30 and honors; the minimum score to pass the exam is 18/30 points
TECHNIQUES OF IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY: Oral examination, 15-20 minutes in length. The final score will be assigned based on the completeness and clarity of presentation and the confidence on the technical aspects. The maximum score is 30 and honors; the minimum score to pass the exam is 18/30 points
FINAL GRADUATION is calculated as arithmetic mean of the three partial marks

Reference texts

Doan et al., Le basi dell’immunologia, con approfondimenti clinici, Zanichelli Ed.
Regueiro Gonzalez et al., Immunologia. Biologia e Patologia del sistema immunitario. Piccin Ed.
Lectures slides
Lectures slides
Federici G, Bernardini S, Bert, Medicina di Laboratorio, Graw Hill Ed.
Gambella O., Il laboratorio in Ematologia, Ed. Minerva Medica
Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology. S. Mitchell Lewis, Barbara J. Bain, Imelda Bates, Churchill Livingstone.
Spandrio L., Biochimica clinica speciale. Casa Ed. Piccin
Slides of the lectures.
Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology. 11th edition 2011, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone.
Cuneo A, Castoldi GL, Rigolin GM. Tecniche di laboratorio nella diagnostica delle emopatie. Trattato italiano di medicina di laboratorio. (fondato da Angelo Burlina). Volume V/1. Piccin Nuova Libraria Padova 2012