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Academic year and teacher
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Versione italiana
Academic year
Didactic period
Secondo Semestre

Training objectives

The main objective of the course is to achieve an adequate competency level in legal Spanish so as to be able to develop a coherent, logical, accurate and appropriate to specific Spanish legal terminology, spoken discourse; to be able to look up and comment legal texts in Spanish and to be able to discuss legal topics. Learning Spanish Cultural legal concepts, through texts and the latest key legislation, also forms part of the course objectives. Constitutional, Civil, Criminal and Procedural Law will be studied.
Skills and knowledge to be acquired
As for the purely linguistic aspect, students must obtain a mastery of morphosyntactic complex structures in order to be able to produce a cohesive (with advanced cohesive devices), fluent ( with no hesitation pauses in the organization of its delivery) and grammatically correct discourses, both oral and written; that is to say, mastery in the use of grammar tenses, subordinate clauses, prepositions, in spelling, punctuation and all grammar at B1-B2 level. This in turn, will facilitate the learning of the basic principles of Spanish Law, the most important institutions and basic notions of Internal law among its different branches (Criminal, Procedural, Civil, Social, Tax and Constitutional).
At the end of the course the student will be able:
• to understand, interpret and comment legal texts in Spanish.
• to understand, interpret and comment oral speech (conferences, seminars, interviews, statements ...)
• to carry out quick and efficient research in Spanish-legal resources: jurisprudence, doctrine, legal news ...
• to produce written texts appropriately, both in form and content
• to have enough knowledge of Spanish law in order to be able to intervene and interact in a specific legal debate.
• to develop an adequate oral discourse in form and content
• to have legal general knowledge on the different topics which make up National Spanish Law


Good knowledge of Spanish; a B1-B2 (CEFR) level and a foundation of general notions of law are desirable

Course programme

The course consists of 40 teaching hours which will include theoretical lectures (50%) and practical exercises (50%)
Topics to be covered
• Introducción al linguaggio giuridico: caratteristiche e note fondamentali.
• El sistema normativo español. Notas generales.
• Breve evolución hi stórica del Derecho español: desde la España prerromana a la época actual.
• La Costitución Española: HIstoria e caraterísticas. Contraste con el texto costitucional italiano.
• Órganos Costitucionales: Tribunal constitucional, CGPJ, Gobierno y Cortes Generales.
• Constitución y sistema judicial. Principios y organización judicial en el territorio español.
• Derecho Procesal. Proceso y procedimento. Actos procesales.
• Derecho Penal. Principios generales. Código penal. Ley de Enjuiciamiento criminal. Examen de los distintos tipos penales con maestras de sentencias e informes periciales.
• Derecho Civil y Mercantil: examen de las principales figuras del Derecho Civil. Análisis de Contratos, escrituras y testamentos.
• Derecho Internacional Público y Privado: Tratados y Convenios internacionales. Examen de casos emblemáticos de jurisdicción internacional.
• Derecho Laboral . Tipos de contrato de trabajo. Convenios colectivos.

Didactic methods

Theoretical lessons on the diffferent topics of the course. Lessons will be held entirely in Spanish.
Legal text analysis in Spanish: laws, rulings , expert reports, contracts, newspaper articles, etc.
Listening comprehension practice and oral production practice based on audio visual material.
Reading Comprehension and written production.
Language skills practice: linguistic and legal lexis accuracy in relation to the topics covered in class.

Learning assessment procedures

The aim of the exam is to test the level of achievement of the previously stated course objectives.
The exam is divided in 2 parts which will take place on the same day.
• The written part includes a 20item fill in the gap text together with five reading comprehension questions or five concept definition questions topic related to the text
• The oral part will be a speaking about a topic covered in class followed by further dialogue on the same topic

Reference texts

Notes and glossary provided by the teacher.
The more practical aspects of the subject will be detailed on the following texts:
-De ley. Manual de español jurídico. Carmen Carbó Marro y Miguel Ángel Mora Sánchez. Ed. Sgel .
-El español por profesiones. Lenguaje jurídico. Blanca Aguirre Beltrán y Margarita Hernando de Larramendi. Ed. Sgel.