Structure of the Course (Regulation)

  • The "Structure of the Course (Regulation)"  is a document containing the course's basic information.
  • This document includes: the admission requirements; the official study plan with the list of active courses in a given academic year, for each year; the teaching period during which courses are taught; the credits provided by each exam; indications on possible propaedeutic exams that must be taken in advance; the rules that apply when enrolling and those concerning courses where attendance may be required; the periods when given activities are carried out; the deadlines to submit individual study plans.
  • It is updated and published annually. For this reason, it is advised to check the document every year and verify its consistency with one's individual plan.



For the A.Y. 2021-22, enrollments in the first year of the Degree Program are suspended while the second year is activated for students already enrolled in the Degree Program in the year 2020-21.

Per l'A.A. 2021-22, le iscrizioni al I anno del Corso di Studio sono sospese mentre viene attivato il II anno per gli studenti già iscritti al Corso di Studio nell'anno 2020-21.


Old document: Structure of the Course/Regulation

For the academic year 2020-21


IMPORTANTE per l'anno aaccademico 2020-21: In considerazione del perdurare della situazione emergenziale legata al COVID 19, al fine di garantire la continuità didattica degli studenti, il SA e il CdA (rispettivamente nelle sedute del 29 e del 30 aprile 2020), per l'intero A.A. 2020/21 hanno approvato l’organizzazione della didattica in modalità “mista” (presenza ed e-learning), in modo differenziale o modulare in considerazione delle caratteristiche di ciascun CdS:

-  lezioni svolte in aule attrezzate per la diretta streaming, consentendo agli studenti sia la possibilità di seguire in presenza che a distanza;

lezioni videoregistrate, anche a supporto della didattica svolta in aula, o di preparazione alle attività pratiche;

insegnamenti totalmente registrati, supportati da momenti di approfondimento attraverso, ad esempio, forum con gli studenti, lavori a piccoli gruppi o altre modalità definite dal/dalla docente in coerenza con gli obiettivi formativi.




IMPORTANT: In consideration of the persistence of the emergency situation linked to COVID 19, in order to ensure the didactic continuity of the students, the SA and the CdA (in the sessions of 29 and 30 April 2020 respectively), for the entire A.A. 2020/21 approved the organization of teaching in "mixed" mode (presence and e-learning), in a differential or modular way in consideration of the characteristics of each CdS:

- lessons held in classrooms equipped for direct streaming, allowing students both the possibility of following in presence and at a distance;

- videotaped lessons, also in support of classroom teaching, or preparation for practical activities;

- fully recorded courses, supported by moments of deepening through, for example, forums with students, work in small groups or other methods defined by / by the teacher in line with the educational objectives.